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Thursday, March 29, 2012
MG MSN-04S Sazabi review
We have posted a Master Grade Sazabi review here. You can check from the video the whole process of building up a MG Sazabi. It includes the instruction menu, the runners and also the assembly process. Thx to our friend, Mr. Seven6938, he make this great video for us to check.
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MG Sazabi Review Part 2 (proportion, articulation, pose and video)
I remember someone told me that
kotobukiya 1/144 Alteisen from SRG was a flying brick because it can't
really pose and i feel this MG Sazabi will have the same title
especially both also red. It depend on what type of kit you want and how
you want it to be. If you start this hobby or collection less than one
or two years with the most recent Master Grade, you might have higher
expectation on every MG and this kit might disappoint you. Well, all i
can say is there are many thing we need to understand on why some kit
design to be like this or that, when is the kit release, the technology,
trend , concept of the model kit during the time of kit design and
release. From there, we will actually able to see a lot of good stuff
from the kit itself instead of complaining this or that when it compare
to the current Master Grade kit. I think there might be some people
asking for a MG Sazabi "Ver.2" but i think there are also many great
modeller have bought the resin, conversion or G-system version MG Sazabi
which have better proportion and articulation.
I'm going to discuss about proportion, articulation and the pose that
this kit can make in this post. First, i will start of with the
proportion design. For me, i got no complain and everything was almost
same in the anime and even looking from a model kit perspective, i think
the proportion design is great but there are still room for
improvement. I saw many modeller tend to sharpen many area on this kit.
If you look at Keita's Sazabi, he sharpen the face plate, slightly extend the chest armor, etc... and it will look even greater.
for the articulation, i think you will know what i'm going to said when
i said this kit also share the title of "flying brick". If it build
with the straight build kit as the end result, it can be tough for it
make different pose. From the previous review part 1,
i mentioned that most of the major joint (for the entire hand to the
chest and entire leg to the waist) was using ball joint. Ball joint is
suppose to be flexible but not durable. What happen to this kit is those
joint can't really hold the main part properly due to the size and
weight. As a result, those main parts such as legs and hands can easily
detach but i might due to those PC part are still new and not soft
enough to hold the main part. It should be alright after some time when
those PC part get softer after connecting with the ball joint from the
main part. Like what i said, ball joint is flexible but not durable. In
order for this kit to have durable ball joint, those female part of the
joint which is made by rubber (PC runner) was design as deep as
possible. Good thing is it help the joint to hold the main part properly
but the bad part will be the flexibility of the ball joint decrease.
Most of the main part will using the similar concept and i think that is
why that this kit can't pose well or i can say that this kit can only
do standing pose. You can said the articulation is bad for this kit but
it wasn't design with the articulation technology or concept that we
have recently in its time.
can use "forget about it" when it come to posing this kit but standing
pose is still a pose. From what i said on the joint, more or less you
will know how much can this kit pose. Most of the joint of this kit is
consider as a dead joint which mean it only use to connect one part to
another and there are not much movement can provide from those joints.
So, ground pose is definitely not suitable for this kit ( it can't
recreate those pose in the anime when char do those jumping pose this
mobile suit on the asteroid while fighting with amuro). Usually i will
try to make some take some shots for the kit with the stand to create
some pose on the air and try to get some dynamic shots from there but
the size, weight and there is almost not room for the stand's connector
to hold this kit, i totally give up on it.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
*GundamModels* And the winner is......
Our Gundam Age-2 Custom Coloring Contest is over. Thx for stryderprime and all participants. There are 7 candidates to join our contest and all of them shows their creativity. Nice looking actually!!
You can check through this video and find out all participants' work and also the winner. You can leave your comments here for anything you want to say. With the winner, our customer representative will soon contact him for the contest prize delivery.
Want to be our next contest winner? Check out our company news and events page.
Hope you would be the next contest winner. Cheers...
Friday, March 23, 2012
*GundamModels* The Contest is over! Thanks to iShop2go
So that pretty much is it. The contest for the Gundam Age-2 Custom Coloring Contest is now done. We will not begin reviewing all entries and by next week we will have our winner so stay tune.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
*GundamCustom* MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam - Part XII
After 2 long weeks and many trails and errors I am finally finish with the 1/100 Full Armor Unicorn Gundam. This build felt more like a journey of self discovery. As a Gundam fan I am amazed how well this kit present it self but as a model builder it has tested my skills and patience with the vast amount of parts I had to keep track. For those who plan on getting this please prepare yourselves for the long work ahead since this kit can make or break you. Thanks to all who watch this build series and gave me the benefit of the doubt.
As always I will post photos of my WIP on my facebook channel.
MG Sazabi Review Part 1 (structure, building process and detail)
I start the assemble process last week when i thought i just want to take some photos for the first part of the review which cover the boxart, parts, runners and the entire package. Things get too exited when i open the box and i can't stop myself to build it up. I even make the video for the boxart or package review plus some assemble process. Instead of watching 3 minutes video on the finish product, the video will also cover other stuff like building process, manual, inner frame and others in roughly about 10 minutes video for the entire review.
So, back to the main topic. I saw this kit when i was 15 and know nothing about it at all. The only thing i know is this kit come with huge shield, those bulkiness are awesome and the price tag for this is something beyond my reach. At last, i get it now and i'm reviewing it. I only finish the Mobile Suit Gundam: Char Counterattack series yesterday after i finish assemble this thing to check on some action pose (and i think i found some weakness of this mobile suit, lol). Although this thing look bulky but in the anime, the mobility is very high (especially in melee combat but those scene only last for few minutes) and it even can make some Sinanju Kick on Amuro's Nu gundam. Unfortunately, the real kit can't do that. What weaknesses that this mobile suit have? do you remember the Nu gundam pull off one of the "pipe" near the neck area of this mobile suit which i believe most of the wiring that connect the entire suit to the cockpit (head unit) disable Char controlling the mobile suit. I mean how can such important "pipe" being expose out from the armor. The second thing is, do you realize that most of the Zeon mobile suit such as Gelgoog , Dom or Zaku version XXX look bulk? the reason is not because it got better armor but it got a lot of thrusters (and some cooler vent maybe) to improve its mobility (my opinion, just like American muscle bigger car, bigger engine, faster on straight line) but what i think is bigger size means heavier (might be a problem since it is space combat unit) and exposure to enemy will also higher. I'm not saying the design is bad, it just what i think base on some military basic concept. Maybe there are other reason that this mobile suit design and develop in this way since i haven't check out the full detail about this mobile suit. All i know about this kit will be the weapon, some sort of psycho frame technology which allow the pilot to control funnels, some kind of plasma beam cannon on the lower torso, one beam rifle, two beam sabers can be release direct from the arms to the palm, some tomahawk missile from the shield and a huge beam saber/axe.
Detail and Structure
As for this model kit, it was release around 200X (before 2005)and i can't simply expect that everything from this kit is as good as what the latest MG have but this doesn't mean it can't catch up at all. The design of the inner frame for model kit is actually quite impressive and flexible if anyone want to paint it. On top of that, the inner frame might not have much detail but those hydraulic pump gimmick plus the thrusters beneath the armors are impressive. Although those inner frame for the main body and legs are impressive but there are certain part of this kit doesn't have inner frame such as the arms unit. Other than that, there are a lot of ball joint use as the connector for most of the major part such as the shoulder and peg joints. Ball joint should be good in terms of flexibility but the problem is the sturdiness can't last long and the it can easily detach (If you have a MG freedom, you might have experience this from the waist joint). So, on the overall of the structure from this kit is very solid but not flexible ( i will explain this more in articulation part).
Saturday, March 17, 2012
*GundamCustom* MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam - Part XI
Continuing on with the weapons build of the MG Full Armor (or rather Armed) Unicorn Gundam I start assembling the Hyper Bazooka, Shields, Hand Grenades, and Hyper Beam Javelin. I also start working on the support frame that will hold some of the weapon on the backpack. I never thought this video build will go to 11!
As always I will post photos of my WIP on my facebook channel.
Product Link
Friday, March 16, 2012
*GundamCustom* MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam - Part X
After finishing up the leg and transforming it I then move on building the backpage of the Full Armor Unicorn Gundam. I realized that even thou this part of the kit is painted nice it will be all covered up by the weapon and stuff. From here I then work on the weapon like the Magnum Beam Rifle!
As always I will post photos of my WIP on my facebook channel.
Product Link
Thursday, March 15, 2012
*GundamCustom* MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam - Part IX
So you guys know this entire video is for the leg build of the 1/100 MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam. It does have a lot of parts just like the feet and its more detail then I image. To see me transform this leg will have to wait till part 10, sorry.
As always I will post photos of my WIP on my facebook channel.
March New release item in iShop2go
Please click on the picture for more information for these new release item or you can check the full list from http://www.ishop2go.com/catalog_New_en.html.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
*GundamCustom* MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam - Part VIII
As I am finishing up the arms of the Full Armor Unicorn Gundam I am starting to see how well this has all come out but I have a long way to go. Everything has to be nice and snug before you can transform the parts to the Destroy mode. That hold true with the waist unit. From here I move on to the leg and feet assembly.
As always I will post photos of my WIP on my facebook channel.
Product Link
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
*GundamCustom* MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam - Part VII
In part 7 of the MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam build I now work on the Head and Arms of this kit. When making the head I was trying to transform it from the Unicorn Mode to the Destroy Mode which is kinda hard to do when you have painted parts. You run the risk of scratching off the paint. That's way this kit will forever be in Destroy mode when complete!
As always I will post photos of my WIP on my facebook channel.
Product Link
Monday, March 12, 2012
*GundamCustom* MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam - Part VI
Well not that dust has settle and the paint is all dried up I now begin building the 1/100 MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam. I begin with assembling the torso but I started to have some issue with it. Oh the comment will be interesting to see.
As always I will post photos of my WIP on my facebook channel.
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*GundamCustom* MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam - Part V
I keeps forgetting how well the metallic grey from Tamiya looks and after airbrushing it on these parts it came out very well. All I don't mention it I had to give it some extra coats since it wasn't even on some parts. I really don't have a problem when I use the gun metal paint since it applies well to the part. Lastly I knew I did want to use the yellow stickers on the V-fin so I try a different type of paint as a surprise. Since I am all done painting this kit I now move on to final assembly of the MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam.
As always I will post photos of my WIP on my facebook channel.
Product link
Saturday, March 10, 2012
*GundamCustom* MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam - Part IV
After carefully putting on Tamiya masking tape on the shields of the Full Armor Unicorn Gundam I spray painted the exposed parts with Bare Metal Sliver. The results came out great as well as the other parts. I also used Tamiya Metallic blue paint on the blue parts and Mr Hobby Metallic Red on the red parts. So far so good!
As always I will post photos of my WIP on my facebook channel.
Product link
Friday, March 9, 2012
*GundamCustom* MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam - Part 3
Continuing on in Part 3 I finish up with the Gatling Cannon and then move on working on some of the smaller parts and I can quickly build, prime, and paint so that I can get it out of the way and move on to the bigger, more complex parts. During this time I also build the inner frame of the Unicorn to show off how big it is. I then focus on the white parts where I had to make sure that they are all sanded down and clean up before I start painting. When I finish painting I tried out something cool with the fuel tanks.
As always I will post photos of my WIP on my facebook channel.
Product Link
Thursday, March 8, 2012
*GundamCustom* MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam - Part II
Moving forward in preparing all the parts that this kit has I break down what paint I will using for each color. I will be painting the white parts white of course using Mr Hobby white but the darker colors I will use the darker blue paint, metallic grey, and gunmetal. I was going to use gunmetal for the inner frame but I would use it only for some of the weapons like the Gatling cannons that I show off.
As always I will post photos of my WIP on my facebook channel.
Product Link
*GundamCustom* MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam - Part II
Moving forward in preparing all the parts that this kit has I break down what paint I will using for each color. I will be painting the white parts white of course using Mr Hobby white but the darker colors I will use the darker blue paint, metallic grey, and gunmetal. I was going to use gunmetal for the inner frame but I would use it only for some of the weapons like the Gatling cannons that I show off.
As always I will post photos of my WIP on my facebook channel.
Product Link
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
*GundamCustom* MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam - Part I
Well here it is. The 1/100 Master Grade Full Armor Unicorn Gundam from the Unicorn Gundam OVA series. This is my second that Ishop2go has sent me and I am ready to tackle this very large kit. Its pretty much the same kit from the Ver. Ka but with an insane amount of weapons I have ever seen on a mobile suit. Only the kampfer comes close. As always I review the contents of this kit and the manual. This will take quite awhile to complete it.
As always I will post photos of my WIP on my facebook channel.
Product Link
*GundamModels* Contest News from iShop2go
So you guys are in the know we have extended the deadline to the "Gundam Age-2 Custom Coloring contest" by 2 weeks. This should give you guys enough to prepare your High Grade Age-2 Gundam Normal kit to enter the contest. Here are the links to facebook page that they just create now!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Top 10 Selling in Feb, 2012
This video display the top 10 ranking in iShop2go for the previous selling. We want to let you know what are the popular goods in our web site. Did you get one that inside?
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Sunday, March 4, 2012
Bandai HGUC 1/144 Delta Gundam, Bandai HGUC 1/144 Marasai [UC Ver.], Bandai HGUC 1/144 MS-05L Zaku I Sniper [Yonem Kirks Custom] and Bandai HGUC 1/144 Juaggu
Saturday, March 3, 2012
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